Profile of the Department

Department of Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes occurring in living matter. However, this simple definition encompasses an incredibly diverse field of research that touches nearly all aspects of our lives. One of the most pressing issues in our society, environmental degradation, is being addressed by biochemists. A few examples of work currently being performed include improvements in the efficiency of photosynthesis to increase cropyields, bioremediation of polluteds oils,development of new feed-stocks, chemistries for the production of bio fuels, genetic mapping of ecosystems to monitor bio diversity,and methodologies for boosting biological capture of carbon. These and other biochemical technologies may play a crucial role in our efforts to find a sustainable means of living

Programme Specific Outcomes

  • Department of biochemistry give a broad-based knowledge in concepts and principles of biochemistry.
  • To identify local and global issues that need intervention by a Biochemist, and develops intelligent strategies and biochemical approaches in problem solving methods.
  • To provide opportunities to get hands on experience in –Research oriented education in life sciences.
  • Apprenticeship and Entrepreneurship in Biochemistry-related areas such as industries and laboratories.
  • To achieve research distinction by investigating solutions to real-world problems utilizing all areas of modern biochemistry.